Security Patrol Management System / Software

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

SEPTRE - Security Patrol Tracking Solution

Outdoor event
Photo by Adrian Agawin from Pexels

SEPTRE is an effective tool that provides benefits to everyone involved in the field of security. This tamper-proof system confirms that patrols are done as scheduled and is 100% accurate.
SEPTRE uses barcode labels and handheld computers to identify locations quickly, easily and accurately. For an increased level of security (and to avoid visible identification of check-points), RFID tags can be used in place of barcodes. Log-on requirements at the start of each round ensure that you know who did the round, where they went, and when they were there.

It is important to complete an accurate and efficient patrol in order to ensure the area is safe and clear.

The barcode labels, where used, are unusual, in that there are no human readable numbers. This helps ensure that labels cannot easily be duplicated, and that patrollers must be at the specified locations with the handheld computers to read the labels.

For management, the system offers many advantages. Each location to be visited can be identified so that the handheld computer gives instruction to the patroller. Routes can easily be varied, and a patroller can be asked to "do route 66". The system will identify the first check-in point, and, once that has been scanned, will then identify the next point. This can enable random patrolling, if required.

For the patroller, the route is pre-defined (reducing training requirements). The system can also be used to provide information on the route. As one example, in one industrial setting, a piece of processing machinery was set to self-clean at 03:00 hrs each day. The process involved a lot of heat, some bad smells and some smoke. A barcode on the equipment enabled a new patroller to access notes confirming that this was normal procedure, and that an alarm call was not required.

The system also enables patrollers to capture useful information. Door on level three left unlocked. Small leak in ladies washroom on level 14.

In one case, intrusion was detected, and security personnel were able to confirm that they had in fact checked for security some 15 minutes before the intrusion - confirming that all was locked and secure at that time. The system provides assistance to the patroller, and confirmation that all patrols are completed as scheduled.

Transfer of Data

As convenient, information is transferred from the handheld computer to a central database for reporting or future analysis. That transfer can be done by physically docking the handheld unit, using Wi-Fi, the internet, or the mobile phone network. Data can be stored on your servers, or hosted on our servers at SageData. This latter route allows easy installation, and avoids any maintenance headaches.


When the data is hosted on our servers, reports and current status are available over the internet. Security Service Providers using our system are able to offer their clients instant access to patrol reports. In all cases the reporting functions permit consolidated or detailed data of each route to be viewed and printed.

The above a just brief summary. Contact us to hear more and discuss your business needs.

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