Did we have a discovery meeting to review your requirements?
Yes, and it was excellent
Yes, and we covered most of the points
Yes, but all points were not covered
No, it was not required
No, but we should have done
Did we deliver software?
Yes, and it was excellent
Yes, and it was OK
Yes, but it had a few shortcomings
No, but it had a serious problem
No, it was not required
Did we deliver hardware?
Yes, and it was excellent
Yes, and it was OK
Yes, but slightly disappointing
No, but it had a serious problem
No, it was not required
Did we deliver barcode labels?
Yes, and they are excellent
Yes, and they are OK
Yes, but not quite as we expected
No, but there was a serious problem
No, labels were not required
Did we install the hardware and software?
Yes, and it went very smoothly
Yes, with some difficulty
Yes, with major difficulty and delay
No, installation was not required
Did we provide the training?
Yes, and it was excellent
Yes, and it was OK
Yes, but not covering everything
Yes, but it was not very good
No, training was not required
Did the system meet your expectations?
Exceeded all expectations
Met all expectations
Met most expectations
Met some expectations
Failed to meet the key expectations
No system was provided
How well did we meet the promised delivery date?
Delivered early
Delivered on time
Delivered slightly late
Delivered very late
Since the installation, have we provided support?
Yes, and it was excellent
Yes, and it was OK
Yes, but only partly effective
Yes, but it was not effective
No, it was not required
Overall, how would you rate this project?
Slightly disappointing
What was the best thing working with SageData?
What was the worst thing working with SageData?
Would you recommend SageData Solutions to others?
Yes, no reservations
Yes, for some circumstances only
Only if there was no alternative
One change that would have improved your
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