Electronic Forms Software for Inspec Reporting
SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
This is the element of the Electronic Forms Inspec System that looks after reporting and data storage. It also provides the tools to set up and manage routes, identify locations or equipments to be inspected, and identify specific attributes to be inspected.

Does it work alone?
An Electronic Forms Inspec System will be licensed to use a single copy of the Reporting Element and a copy of the Mobile Element for each mobile device. To put it another way, one copy of the reporting element, and one copy of the mobile element for each inspector.
What does it do?
It covers many functions, but the primary activities are reporting, data management, and route set up.
The Reporting Element provides rich reporting capability. Report by daily inspection. Report by rounds completed. Report by non compliance. Report over time for an individual inspector, or an individual location.
Data Management
This covers set up and operation of the synchronize process that moves new data from the handheld unit to the central server, and back to the handheld unit when data has been merged with new data from other inspections. It also covers storage and back up arrangements for the data.
Set up
This covers the identification of all locations and items to be inspected, as well as
inspections to be carried out. Where there is a reading to be taken, the system
will define limits for pass or fail. It can also be configured to classify failures in a range,
to B to C. Usually an A Class
failure is critical, down tools, evacuate the building.
At the other extreme, a C class
failure is largely cosmetic.
This is the critical heart of the system. Used to define what is going to be inspected and how it is to be inspected, it also stores the collected data, and helps in analyzing that date to detect trends and patterns of non-compliance.
For more information consider browsing the following links:
- BassetPro
- municipal housing
- introduction to asset
- occupational health
safety inspection