Why SageData Solutions is like a Deli?

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

In some ways SageData is not like other software companies. In some ways SageData is more like the Deli at your local supermarket.

Deli at supermarket

SageData has been in business for 25 years. We have a variety of clients, from tiny start-ups, to major corporations and Government Agencies. And when we look at how our clients are using our systems, we see a division.
Around half the clients use our system to control their operations from beginning to end.
But the other half are using our software as an intelligent data collector, a feed system for one of the major ERP Systems.
And we work closely with those organizations to link to the ERP.

Doing that we share a lot of our clients' pain. We see their projects from the inside.

Having a major ERP sounds good. They are BIG systems. They do everything, or at least promise to do everything.
But big is not always better. The cost is a major factor, some of these systems cost millions, tens of millions, or more.
Picking a system is a headache. Who wants to make a mistake costing millions. Getting the system operational is a headache. It is not plug it in and turn it on. It takes consultants. Lots of them. Usually at a few thousand dollars a day. And because it is so big, it takes a long time (years). And because it is so powerful (aka complicated) maintenance and training are time consuming and expensive.

Being so big, it is difficult to change. So clients are sometimes forced to change their standard operating procedures to match the requirements of the software. Worst of all, it sometimes has a focus on the reports for the senior executives. Which means that for the people on the front line, the people doing the work, the people that determine the service that the organization presents to the world, for these people, it sometimes just plain doesn't do what they need to do. Which is why they call SageData.

SageData have a different approach to business. We long ago realized that every client is different. They each have their own priorities and needs. To satisfy those needs, we listen to the client, select the application that most closely matches the requirement, and then ask the client what do we need to do to make this work the way you want it to, to track the information you need, and give you the reports and information you need.

But that is just the first part. The most important issue relates to complexity. We follow the maxim that the perfect tool (and ERP is a tool, not an entity to be worshipped and obeyed), the perfect tool does exactly what you need. And absolutely nothing else. So SageData systems are sold by function. Tell us what you need, and we will supply it. You are not forced to spend millions on a package that does a lot of things that are nice to have, but not relevant today.

When you go to the Deli counter at your local supermarket, you look at the hams, and select the one you want. And you are asked how you like to have it sliced, thin, thick, medium. You are asked, how much do you want, 100g, 300g, 500g? You don't have to buy more than you need.

So this is why in some ways SageData is more like a deli. You tell us what you want to do. We show a solution, we prepare it the way you want it. You don't have to buy more than you need. If you have a lot of money, and a lot of time, and you enjoy working with a lot of consultants, then a full fledged ERP system may be the right solution for you and your organization. But if you have a specific need. If you know what you want. If you are looking for a lead time in weeks. If you want a focused solution. If you want to avoid spending money on things you don't really need, then perhaps SageData may have a solution for you.

Give us a call, or drop us a line.

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