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The Backend System Emulator

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada


There are two common configurations for the SageData Solutions systems. Sometimes our solution provides a full service, handling all client needs. But in other cases, our system is a front line application, collecting data to be passed to an existing backend system. In this case, the definition and testing of the interface is vital, and the back end may not be readily available for testing.

One of the promises to our clients is that they do not need to change their system in order to use the SageData solution. The other promise is about a speedy deployment of our solution. To keep both promises is sometimes challenging, especially in situations where a client has an existing ordering / backend system and would like to integrate the SageData solution.
This means a challenging task for us to quickly develop and test the interface between two systems. We have been delivering on our promises. Now, with more clients and the growing business, we wanted to make sure we continue keeping our promises.


Emma high-level diagram

SageData Solutions is pleased to announce a new software tool that will help our clients that have an existing backend system to accelerate implementation of SageData Asset Management solution. Clients would like to ensure that both systems communicate flawlessly, passing relevant information back and forth. To speed up this process we developed Emma.

Emma (short for Emulator) is a new software tool that emulates a client's backend system for the purpose of speeding up the interface development and testing. In other words, it is a flexible test environment that would generate test data and assess data transfer in both directions between emulated client's and SageData systems.

How does it work?

Here is an example of how Emma works.The process of generating information would typically be associated with a purchase order. For instance, a PO (Purchase Order) for a number of specific items like laptops. This information will be passed to the SageData system. Recognising security constraints, there is no direct connection, and information is passed through a third element, which could be a data repository within the client's network.
Data passed to SageData system would generally be related to materials that have been ordered (i.e. the laptops) that are expected to be received in due course.
So, after Emma generated a PO and the test items were formally received, the information associated with the receiving process would be passed back to the originating application represented by Emma. Emma would show the receipt of the items with associated information.
The interface specification details the format of the information to be passed, as well as the business rules to be applied.
This interface is flexible allowing addition of fields and different rules.

Contact us for more information.

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