WMS - Warehouse Management System
for small and medium warehouses

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

There are many different situations where things come, stay, and then go. From the humble stationery cupboard, through daily issues of tools and weapons, through manufacturing, to major sorting, picking and distribution operations. But at the big picture level, they are all doing the same things: receive, put-away, pick and ship.

But it is at the detail level that they all differ, and this is where the BassetPro System wins many accolades. For small and medium warehouses, the BassetPro system can be fine tuned to accommodate client's exact requirements. Instead of users adjusting their processes to match the software, the BassetPro system can be configured to meet client's exact requirements.

So whether the "things" being tracked are pencils, weapons, cheese, vaccines, chicken curry, trucks or people, BassetPro can control what is picked and shipped, give operational people the answers, and let managers know what is happening. The video linked below gives an introduction to BassetPro.

This video introduces our WMS (Warehouse Management System) for small and medium warehouses. Contact us for more information.

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have.

For more information consider browsing the following links:

 - barcode knowledge hub

 - RFID knowledge hub

 - an introduction to BassetPro
