Safety Inspections - how to do them
...and prove that they were done

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

Safety Inspections take many forms, depending on what is being inspected. They are unusual, in that they can be perfectly routine (and largely invisible) for many years. But when some unfortunate event occurs, the safety inspections, and the people that performed them are very much in the spotlight.

I had sympathy for a client, who said that he had been responsible for inspections for thirty years. He sadly shared with me "I know it was good (and I believed him). But when they looked for proof, all I had was my word. That was not enough."

SDS have installed many systems, covering fire protection, nuclear safety, building security, and food safety. Inspectors are given guidance on where to go, and what to look for, even specialised notes (This machine self cleans at 0300 hrs - it makes smoke and noise - but that is OK).

The system provides a report with all activities recorded. It logs what was done, when it was done, and whodunnit. And those reports can be presented as proof when an "unfortunate event" occurs. So for these inspections, the system shows how to do them, and lets the inspectors prove that they were done.

We would be happy to answer any questions you may have. To reach us, click here to go to the SDS Contact Page

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 - barcode knowledge hub

 - RFID knowledge hub

 - an introduction to BassetPro

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