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PPE Inventory Management

SageData is based in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada

N95 mask from 3M

The term Personal Protective Equipment or PPE was only known to some before Covid-19 took the world by a storm. By March 2019 everyone from pre-teens to the longest living individuals knew what it meant.

Unfortunately, at the time when we learned about Covid-19 and PPE, the news was discouraging - Covid was unstoppable and the PPE was scarce.

Every country was making extreme efforts to acquire PPE and start some domestic production. SageData Solutions is proud to play an active role in managing PPE Inventory for a vital Canadian Government Agency.

Our industry leading software platform BassetPro in combination with mobile information collectors and barcode technology proved to be a reliable tool to be entrusted with such vital tasks as managing PPE inventory.

Apart from PPE, SageData provides technology to manage supporting equipment, controlled drugs and vaccines. We would be happy to help you achieve your business objectives especially if a dependable inventory management solution is a must have tool.

a face-covering mask

We would be happy to provide some good examples of our systems.

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